Tropical Applications of Meteorology using Satellite - (TAMSAT)

The TAMSAT RFE imagery uses TIR images to derive the Cold Cloud Duration (CCD) and rain gauge measurements to infer rain precipitations. The calibration of data is done by using historical timeseries and the approximate horizontal resolution is of 4 km.

These products provide input for hydrological and agrometeorological models as well as climate information e.g. compare the current state of rainfall with previous time periods.


Since 01-01-2011
Spatial Resolution 4 km
Temporal Resolution 10 Days, Monthly
Extent Eastern Africa
Format Geotiff
Source JRC via MESA Station

Derived Products

Derived sub-product Description Available
10d Precipitation estimates over 10 days since 1/1/2011
10davg Statistic: multi-years average for each dekad 36 dekads
10dmin Statistic: multi-years minimum for each dekad 36 dekads
10dmax Statistic: multi-years maximum for each dekad 36 dekads
10ddiff Anomaly: ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE (10d – 10davg) since 1/1/2011
10dratio Anomaly: RELATIVE RATIO to LTA % (10d/10davg) since 1/1/2011
10dperc Anomaly: RELATIVE DIFFERENCE % ((10d – 10davg)/10davg) since 1/1/2011
10dnp Anomaly: Normalized Precipitation (10d10dmin)/(10dmax-10dmin) since 1/1/2011
1moncum Cumulated 10day RFE over each month since 1/1/2011
1monavg Statistic: multi-years average for each month 12 months
1monmin Statistic: multi-years minimum for each month 12 months
1monmax Statistic: multi-years maximum for each month 12 months
1mondiff Anomaly: ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE (1moncum1monavg) since 1/1/2011
1monperc Anomaly: RELATIVE DIFFERENCE (1moncum1monavg)/1monavg since 1/1/2011
1monnp Anomaly: Normalized Precipitation (1moncum1monmin)/(1monmax-1monmin)) since 1/1/2011