GHACOF 60: Early Warning for Early Action
The conference brings together key climate stakeholders from the region, working to develop climate services for sustainable development. It also provides individuals and organizations with an opportunity to showcase innovations to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.
This season’s theme is “Early Warning for Early Action”.
- Access past season impacts (OND) (Here).
- MAM Impacts and Advisories - Summary Plenary presentation Day 3 (Here)
The forum aims to:
- Review the impact of the October - December 2021 season
- Present the regional forecast for the March - May 2022 season
- Present the expected impact of the forecast and advisories for key sectors in each country
- Provide a marketplace for decision makers, climate scientists, researchers, and users of climate information
Working groups to co-produce climate services and advisories will take place in the following sectors:
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Disaster Risk Management
- Water and Energy
- Livestock
- Health
- Environment and Forests
- Conflict Early Warning
- Climate Change
- Media and Communications
Note: To be able to access the event, kindly register with zoom.
Here is the link to GHACOF 60 presentations
Additional Materials
Introduction to co-production sessions, new products, and user needs
Introduction to the day's agenda, showcasing of new products, review of the past season's performance, and discussion around user needs to …
Agriculture and food security co-production session
Co-production and product development session for agriculture and food security sector
Conflict and security co-production session
Co-production and product development session for the conflict and security sector.
Disaster risk management co-production session
Co-production and product development session for Disaster Risk management sector.
Environment & forestry co-production session
Co-production and product development session for environment and forestry sector.
Health & nutrition co-production session
Co-production and product development session for the health and nutrition sector.
Livestock and rangelands co-production session
Co-production and product development session for the livestock and rangelands sector
Media co-production session
Co-production and product development session for media for climate sector.
Water resources & energy co-production session
Co-production and product development session for the water resources and energy co-production sector.
Climate change co-production session
Co-production and product development session for the climate change sector.
Introduction of participants to the agenda and the presentation of the seasonal forecast and the tools where the seasonal forecast products…
Water and energy impacts and advisories working group
Water and energy working group on impacts and advisories
Agriculture and food security impacts and advisories working group
Agriculture and food security working group on impacts and advisories
Conflict and security impacts and advisories working group
Conflict and security working group on impacts and advisories
Disaster risk management impacts and advisories working group
Disaster risk management working group on impacts and advisories
Environment and forestry impacts and advisories working group
Environment and forestry working group on impacts and advisories
Health and nutrition impacts and advisories working group
Health and nutrition working group on impacts and advisories.
Livestock and rangelands impacts and advisories working group
Livestock and rangelands working group on impacts and advisories
Media impacts and advisories working group
Media for climate working group on impacts and advisories
Clean energy side event
The side event involves discussions on clean energy by; Marketplace initiatives, Sun culture, Financing the green energy transition African…
Indigenous traditional Knowledge side event
This side event involves presentations and discussions around indigenous traditional knowledge and early warning systems.
Nature based solutions side event
This side event involves a marketplace with innovative Nature-Based Solutions from Eastern Africa. After short 3 minutes presentations by o…
Climate information for resilience
The resilience side event encompasses discussions on developing a resilience policy framework to address climate change in Eastern Africa.
Meteorological Infrastructure, Finance, and Data Sharing side event
This side event is a marketplace for organizations developing meteorological infrastructure. Short presentations by organizations will be f…
Risk assessment, insurance and banking for resilience
This session involves presentations and discussions from banks and insurance companies financing the net-zero transition and adaptation to …
GHACOF 60 main day
Agenda: Introduction; official opening; performance, and impacts of the October to December 2021 season; March to May 2022 seasonal foreca…
Innovation for climate services side event
Discussions on the innovative systems for climate services
Hydrological forecasting for Eastern Africa side event
This session involves a demonstration of the new forecast methodology and a presentation of the March to May forecast. And also a compariso…
Cloud storage, high performance computing (HPC), machine learning, and aI side event
This side event involves short presentations by organizations and discussions around cloud storage, high-performance computing, and the use…
Media for climate side event
During this session, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Climate Change reporting developed by BBC Media Action, ICPAC, and NORCAP under…