Jun 07, 2022

Inter-regional platform for management of desert locust Inception Meeting

Type: Hybrid Meeting
Location: Hybrid
Start Date: 07 Jun, 2022 08:30 AM
End Date: 08 Jun, 2022 05:00 PM
Timezone: GMT+03:00 Africa/Nairobi

With funding from the World Bank, IGAD (Inter Governmental Authority on Development) is currently implementing a three-year project that will establish an Inter-Regional Platform for the Management of Desert Locusts (DL) and other Trans-Boundary Pests. Signed in July 2021, the Platform is part of the World Bank's Emergency Locust Response Project and is expected to run until August 2024.

IGAD, through the Platform Coordination Unit in ICPAC, plans to organise an inception meeting. The launch will be held in person and proceeding and attended by the nominated National Focal Points nominated by Member States, invited stakeholders and IGAD specialised institutions.


The objective of the meeting is to advance the operationalization of the Platform by setting up linkages from IGAD’s DLCU with National Focal Points, DLCO-EA and the partners.

Specifically, the meeting is expected to provide a forum for the National Focal Points members to:

  1. Create working linkage between DLCU and the National Focal Persons
  2. Form the working groups that form the basis of regional to technical engagements
  3. Review the Terms of References for the Early Warning and Capacity Building Working Groups
  4. Discuss and adopt the Terms of Reference of the National Task Forces
  5. Develop and approve the annual Workplan of the of the Steering Committee

Expected Outputs

  1. Established working groups of the Platform - Early Warning and Capacity Building Working Groups
  2. Annual workplans for the Early Warning and Capacity Building Working Group
  3. Review of the Terms of Reference of the National Task Forces
  4. Opening Statements to the PSC (Platform Steering Committee) by National Task Forces

Date and Venue

7 and 8 June, 2022 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


English and French will be the languages of the meeting.

Proposed Participants

  1. Platform Coordination Unit (PCU)
  2. IGAD Member States represented by nominated National Focal Points.
  3. Invited stakeholders and partners
  4. Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and the Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region (CRC)
  5. IGAD Secretariat and specialised institutions
  6. The World Bank
