Apr 21, 2021

National Consultation Workshop for Establishment of a National Framework for Weather and Climate Services in Kenya

Type: Workshop
Location: Hybrid (virtual and physical)
Start Date: 21 Apr, 2021 08:30 AM
End Date: 22 Apr, 2021 05:00 PM
Timezone: GMT+03:00 Africa/Nairobi

National Consultation Workshop

The Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD), the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) together with partner institutions, through the Intra-Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (Intra-ACP) Climate Services and Related Applications Program, seek to establish a National Framework for Weather and Climate Services (NFCS) in Kenya. An NFCS is an institutional mechanism to coordinate, facilitate and strengthen collaboration among national institutions to improve the production, co-production, tailoring, delivery and use of science-based climate predictions and services.

After the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) successfully concluded the baseline assessment, a national consultation workshop on climate services, encompassing all key relevant stakeholders, will be held on the 21 and 22, April 2021. The hybrid workshop (virtual and physical owing to COVID19 restrictions) will be interactive and participatory, encouraging both producers and various categories of weather and climate information users to interact. Virtual group work and presentations will be major tools in the two-day workshop.

The establishment of a National Framework for Weather and Climate Services is premised on five steps as outlined in the below :-

  • Assess the baseline on climate services capacities at national level, to identify users and providers, map existing services and establish capacities.
  • Organize a national consultation workshop on climate services to bring together all relevant stakeholders and identify gaps and key elements for the development of a plan of action for NFCS implementation.
  • Develop a national strategic plan and costed action plan on climate services for establishment of the NFCS.
  • Endorse the strategic plan and a costed action plan with timelines for NFCS implementation
  • Launch the NFCS, implement the national action plan on climate services and conduct rigorous Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E).

Expected outputs of the national consultation workshop

It is projected that at the end of the workshop, the following will be achieved:

  • An enhanced understanding of the needs for climate services in different user sectors;
  • A structured understanding of capacity development needs to implement the NFCS;
  • Strategic guidance on institutional arrangements, partnerships and processes required to operationalize the NFCS.


Stakeholders and decision makers in key weather and climate sensitive socio-economic sectors. These include participants from the following sectors, representing government, the private sector, media and civil society:

  • Agriculture and Livestock /Food Security, Water, Energy, Disaster Risk Reduction, Health, and Aviation.
