Pre-COF 68 Webinar: Satellite-Based Early Warning for Food Security Monitoring in Eastern Africa
Join us for a Pre-COF webinar focused on the East Africa Agriculture Watch (EAAW), a key tool for real-time monitoring of crops and rangelands. This webinar session will showcase how EAAW provides early warnings and insights to support agricultural monitoring and response planning across Eastern Africa.
This webinar will improve participants' understanding of the East Africa Agriculture Watch as an early warning tool for early action, enhancing the region's capacity to mitigate climate risks and support food security.
Additional Materials

Felix Rembold
Food Security team leader Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC)discussant
Felix Rembold, Ph.D., is the Food Security Team Leader at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. He has a strong academic background in tropical agriculture and extensive research experience in utilizing earth observation for agricultural monitoring and food security early warning. Rembold has authored numerous publications and has been actively involved in developing operational scientific information systems to support policy decisions. Notably, he led the creation of the Anomaly HotSpots of Agricultural Production (ASAP) and was a key contributor to the African Postharvest Losses Information System (APHLIS). Having lived in Africa for several years, he has also played a significant role in international development projects with the EU Delegations, UN, and local organizations.

Oliver Kipkogei
Regional Agrometeorologist IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)discussant
Oliver Kipkogei works as a Regional Agrometeorologist at the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) in Nairobi, Kenya. He holds both a Master's and a Bachelor's degree in Meteorology from the University of Nairobi and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the same institution, focusing on Climate Risk Management in Agriculture and Food Security. Kipkogei has completed various professional courses, including the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Level 1, an advanced course in Agrometeorology from the University of Bologna, and a certificate in Social Protection for Smallholder Farmers from the International Labour Organization (ILO), among others. In addition, he is among the few select scientists in Africa chosen for the One Planet Fellowship—a career development initiative aimed at cultivating a network of intergenerational scientists equipped with a gender-sensitive approach to help Africa's smallholder farmers adapt to climate variability and change.

LInda Akoth
Journalist Sifa FMmoderator
Linda Akoth is an award-winning journalist currently serving as the Station Manager at Sifa 107.7 FM. With a career spanning various roles, including reporter, news anchor, presenter, feature producer, and news editor, Linda has established herself as a leading voice in covering critical issues such as climate, gender, and health.
Her dedication and excellence in journalism have earned her multiple accolades. In 2019, she was recognized as the 1st Runner-Up in the ICPAC Weather and Climate Dissemination Award for her outstanding work in sharing weather and climate information through talk shows and news. In 2022, Linda was honored at the Climate Action Awards East Africa, where she secured 2nd Runner-Up positions in both the Media for Climate category and the Women for Results category for her impactful feature on "Women’s Rights to Land: A Solution to Food Insecurity."
Additionally, Linda was awarded 2nd Runner-Up in the AJEA 2022 Agriculture and Food Security Radio Category for her feature on "Women Adopting Beekeeping to Fight Climate Change." She also won the AGJK 2022 Agriculture and Food Security Radio Category for her insightful coverage of "Rural Women in Agriculture as a Driving Force to Food Security."