Sep 30, 2020

Downscaling of climate information and sector advisories at cluster levels (SECCCI - ICPAC)

Type: Training
Location: ZOOM
Start Date: 30 Sep, 2020 09:00 AM
Timezone: GMT+03:00 Africa/Nairobi
Cost: Free

Capacity building and training on the use of climate information and early response mechanisms to the local stakeholder. The training workshop will bring together relevant technical officers and decision makers at

  • Counties/sub-counties in Kenya;
  • Zone/woreda in Ethiopia and;
  • Region/zone in Somalia.

The ministries or departments to be invited include: Livestock Production, Veterinary service, Agriculture, Water, Health, Conflict, Finance and Planning, County National Drought Management Authority, Meteorological departments, UNDP, UNEP, Implementing partners as well as other implementing partners and NGOs working in the clusters.

The key question will be “how can we better present this information in a way that makes sectors’ response better, effective and quicker?”

A team of Climate experts in evaluation of the downscaled data/information will lead the interpretation and deriving of actionable recommendations.

Key outputs of the workshop include

  1. Decision support tools including downscaled OND seasonal climate forecasts, climate data sets, technical reports, maps and manuals.
  2. Climate advisories for OND 2020 that will inform sectors within clusters.
  3. A workshop report.

Expected outcomes

  1. Developed advisories and communication strategies for forecasts dissemination.
  2. Improved preparedness of stakeholders for the OND 2020 season.
  3. Increased climate services and mainstreaming climate information into the sector plans in the SECCCI cluster areas.
  4. Increased awareness of decision makers on the importance of climate information for early response.
  5. Stronger partnership in data and information enhanced with respective NHMS and relevant departments.