May 16, 2024

Understanding Early Warning for climate action in the Greater Horn of Africa

Type: Webinar
Location: Zoom
Start Date: 16 May, 2024 02:00 PM
End Date: 16 May, 2024 04:00 PM
Timezone: GMT+03:00 Africa/Nairobi

Climate services play an important role in frontline climate action by providing essential information, tools, and support to help communities, governments, and organizations make informed decisions and take effective actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. ICPAC is organizing the 67th Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum under the theme “Climate Services for Frontline Climate Action” to be held in Juba, South Sudan from the 20-21st May, 2024.

To build momentum for GHACOF67, ICPAC in collaboration with partners will have a webinar on the 17th of May 2024. This platform will bring together different stakeholders involved in climate services and Anticipatory Action in the region focusing on the importance of early warning systems and anticipatory action in strengthening climate resilience and fostering proactive measures for sustainable development.