Sep 29, 2022

Webinar series on climate information in Africa: Climate Adaptation

Type: Webinar
Location: zoom
Start Date: 29 Sep, 2022 02:00 PM
Timezone: GMT+03:00 Africa/Nairobi

Climate change is here. Beyond doing everything we can to cut emissions and slow the pace of global warming, we must adapt to climate consequences so we can protect ourselves and our communities. This webinar explores what measures are being taken in Africa to cope with the biggest challenge of our time. Are countries spending now to save lives and reduce costs later? Are the most vulnerable protected? Simply put: Is the continent gearing up for big changes?


Ana Heureux

Ana Heureux

International Fund for Agricultural Development Climate and Environment Officer

Ana is a Climate and Environment Officer at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) based in Rome, Italy. Currently, she oversees the climate finance portfolios in the Asia and Pacific Region and provides technical support to regional and country offices on climate and environment. Prior to IFAD, Ana worked for 5 years as a Climate Risks Specialist for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN with a focus on the use of climate information and risk assessment across FAOs climate finance portfolio and integrating agrometeorology and climate risk into project design and implementation. Ana has a PhD in Earth System Science from the University of Oxford and a background in geology and biology. Previously, Ana was a postdoctoral research specialist at the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Hilo, Hawaii.”

David Kimiti

David Kimiti

Director Research and Impact Grevy's Zebra Trust

Dr. David Kimiti is a Rangeland scientist currently working as the Director for Research and Impact for the Grevy's Zebra Trust and has been with the organization since April 2021. In this position, he is responsible for overseeing the design and implementation of monitoring systems for individual programs, with emphasis on Rangelands and Research Strategies. David is broadly experienced in ecology and ecosystem management, having studied elephant ecology and impact on woody vegetation for his Master's degree at the University of Nairobi, followed by two years practising rangeland restoration and monitoring across the Ewaso ecosystem in northern Kenya. David obtained his PhD in Range Science from New Mexico State University in May 2017, specializing in Restoration Ecology. He has previously worked with the USDA-Jornada Experimental Range in New Mexico, as well as heading the Research department at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. His research and management interests include rangeland restoration, natural resource inventory and monitoring, use of technology for biodiversity conservation, and the influence of patch-level climate, site, and soil characteristics on ecosystem structure and function. In his spare time, David enjoys photography, obscure trivia, and unreasonably detailed conversations about computer hardware and Game of Thrones.

Rosaria Mabika

Rosaria Mabika

Head of Programmes Plan International Mozambique

Rosaria holds a Master’s degree in Education and Development from the University of London and is an educationist/development professional with over 25 years of experience in programme design and management, especially advocacy, gender responsive and adolescent friendly programming. She has extensive experience in managing highly complex integrated programmes, involving national and community level stakeholders. Rosaria has experience in community development methodologies based on the principles of human dignity, empowerment and sustainable livelihoods whilst ensuring sensitivity and emphasis on cultural and gender issues. At the moment Rosaria works for Plan International Mozambique in the capacity of Head of Programmes and is responsible for the implementation of the Focus Africa project in Mozambique

Philip Omondi

Philip Omondi

Project Manager -RICCAMA IGAD Climate Predictions and Aplication Centre

Philip Omondi (PhD) is a Project Manager at IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre. Philip currently manages the project “strengthening of Resilience of the IGAD region to the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change through effective Adaptation and Mitigation Actions (RICCAMA) for the IGAD Member States. he leads the initiative in analyzing the status of the climate in Eastern Africa. He is a Senior Climate Risk Analyst with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Regional Bureau for Eastern Africa region. Published the Greater Horn of Africa climate risks and food security Atlas. Philip is also the first head of Eastern Africa group of Expert Team of the World Climate Research Programme that initiated Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) on the analysis of climate change information over the region. He holds Post Doc in Climate Change Modelling from UK-Met Office and Ph.D in Meteorology, from the University of Nairobi. Philip is also a Senior Associate Lecturer at the Institute of Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA), Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Nairobi, Kenya.

Linda Ogallo

Linda Ogallo

Climate Change Adaptation Expert IGAD Climate Predictions and Aplication Centre

Linda is a climate change adaptation expert who has supported the East African region in climate proofing extension services and increasing the access of climate information to the last mile user. Linda Coordinates IGAD’s Climate Change Technical Working Group whose aim is to strategically promote regional exchange of information and dialogue climate change in the region. Linda has extensive experience working in the in the peace and security sector, she also coordinates IGADs Climate Security Technical Working Group. Linda Ogallo holds a PhD in climate change and Adaptation from the University of Nairobi.
