Nov 02, 2022

Webinar series on climate information in Africa: Climate Finance

Type: Webinar
Location: Zoom
Start Date: 02 Nov, 2022 02:00 PM
Timezone: GMT+03:00 Africa/Nairobi

Climate finance is needed for mitigation, because large-scale investments are required to significantly reduce emissions. Climate finance is equally important for adaptation, as significant financial resources are needed to adapt to the adverse effects and reduce the impacts of a changing climate.

With COP27 a few weeks away, what are the gaps in climate finance for Africa? What policies are required? What can African nations do differently? And also, can developing countries make the case for loss and damages caused by climate change, a crisis that they have marginally contributed to?


Emily Ojoo-Massawa

Emily Ojoo-Massawa

Climate resilience Lead for Africa Mott MacDonald

Emily has been in the climate change negotiations and the science work since the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on a Framework Convention on Climate Change, the committee that developed and negotiated the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Served in several capacities, chairing constituted committees under the UNFCCC, chairing the African Group of Negotiators, coordinating group positions of the G77 and China on several issues including climate finance and establishment of the Adaptation Fund under the Kyoto Protocol .

She Coordinated the preparations of COP12/CMP2 that was held in Nairobi in 2006. Serving as Advisor to the COP President. Served in the same advisory capacity to the Kingdom of Morocco COP 22 Presidency. During the COP 26, was invited by the COP President to co -facilitate CMA agenda item 6a NDC registry and 6b Adaptation Communication Registry- these were successfully concluded assisting the Presidency in completing the Paris Agreement Rulebook.

She was also the technical lead on climate negotiations on behalf of the Government of Kenya for over a decade, holding positions of Focal point to the UNFCCC and the Designated Authority for the CDM. Chair of consultative Group of Experts on National Communications and was elected to the first Adaptation Fund Board, helping shape its constitution,modalities and operating procedures. While in UNEP served as coordinator of UNEPs accreditation to the Adaptation Fund as a multilateral Implementing Entity, later , with a team drawn from both UNEP and UNDP, developed a joint global programme on capacity development of developing countries on direct access to finance.

Supported East African countries in accreditation for direct access to finance including capacity building of the National Implementing Entities that had been accredited.

She Has worked in key sectors including energy, agriculture ,water resources and infrastructure to name a few where she initiated activities and partnerships with academia, International Organizations, the Private Sector, NGOs and Community Based Organizations to work on development projects.

Peter Odhengo

Peter Odhengo

Senior Policy Advisor Climate Finance and Director, GKIT Green Climate Fund NDA, National Treasury

Peter Oluoch Odhengo, holds Masters of Science in Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Bachelor Science in Ecology, Post graduate Certificates:- in Wind Energy Management, Sustainable Water Resources Management, Energy and Technology Life Cycle Assessment is currently Senior Policy Advisor on Climate Finance at the National Treasury and the founding Director of Greening Kenya Initiative Trust-a Public-Private-Partnership initiative whose mission is to promote green consumerism through diffusion of green technologies for the advancement of green economy in Kenya.

Mr. Odhengo is also the thought/Team Leader for development of the “Green Award Winner” of the combined Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Land Use Plan (LUP) for Tana Delta in Kenya under the Sustainable Management of Deltas Secretariat in Kenya and also the International Deltas Alliance Wing Coordinator for Kenya and a former advisor to the Prime Minister of Kenya on Climate Change and Green energy development. He is a Climate Change and Natural Resource management specialist, with multidisciplinary background and experience over 15 years in development and policy analysis with a focus on impact evaluation in inclusive green growth: agriculture, social and economic development, and environment and natural resources, climate change mitigation & adaptation.  Mr. Odhengo is particularly passionate and committed to evidence-based policy research with experience in diverse areas of natural resources potential areas impact evaluation, efficient water  use reviews; performance evaluation of projects, programs and policies; analysis and prediction of environmental impacts time use analysis; forecasting social and economic impacts of structural changes; and capacity building in these areas.  

Geoffrey Sabiiti

Geoffrey Sabiiti

Climate Change Adaptation Officer ICPAC

Dr. Geoffrey is an experienced climate adaptation scientist supporting countries in Eastern Africa build resilience and adapt to climate related impacts. He is a PhD holder in Meteorology from University of Nairobi, Kenya. His research involves assessing the drivers of current climate variability and future climate change over Uganda and how the climate extremes associated with variability and change impact on banana production in Uganda. Geoffrey has a BSc. (Hons) in Mathematics and Economics from Makerere University, Uganda. His work focuses on climate change impacts analysis, climate change resource mobilization, and awareness creation on climate impacts and adaptation options across sectors and fragile landscapes. Dr. Sabiiti has published scientific articles as lead author and co-author in peer-reviewed journals.

Philip Omondi

Philip Omondi

Project Manager - RICCAMA IGAD Climate Predictions and Aplication Centre ICPAC

Philip Omondi (PhD) is a Project Manager at IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre. Philip currently manages the project “strengthening of Resilience of the IGAD region to the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change through effective Adaptation and Mitigation Actions (RICCAMA) for the IGAD Member States. he leads the initiative in analyzing the status of the climate in Eastern Africa. He is a Senior Climate Risk Analyst with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Regional Bureau for Eastern Africa region. Published the Greater Horn of Africa climate risks and food security Atlas. Philip is also the first head of Eastern Africa group of Expert Team of the World Climate Research Programme that initiated Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) on the analysis of climate change information over the region. He holds Post Doc in Climate Change Modelling from UK-Met Office and Ph.D in Meteorology, from the University of Nairobi. Philip is also a Senior Associate Lecturer at the Institute of Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA), Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Nairobi, Kenya.