Flash Flood Potential Areas

Early Warning

29 Jun, 2023 Alerts and Early Warning 17


Based on the current 7 days extreme rainfall forecast, there is a foreseen potential risk of an isolated flash flood over the northern parts of the Greater Horn of Africa. Recent weather conditions indicate a high likelihood of heavy rainfall & rapid water accumulation in localized areas. Due to the negative impact of flash floods below are some advisories:

  • Keep up to date: Keep an eye on local weather reports and news channels for the most up-to-date information on the situation.
  • Food, water, medications, and flashlights should all be easily available in the event of a power loss or evacuation.
  • Follow the official guidelines: Pay attention to local authorities and emergency services' instructions and cautions. Follow their directions and collaborate with them.
  • To protect yourself and your loved ones, remain watchful and take immediate action.