Application of real time S2S forecasts over Eastern Africa in the co-production of climate services

Aug. 2, 2022

A significant proportion of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa is vulnerable to extreme climatic conditions; hence, there is a high demand for climate information.

To meet this need, the Global Challenges Research Fund African Science for Weather Information and Forecasting Techniques has been running a testbed for two years to help make custom forecasts for different areas using the sub-seasonal and seasonal forecast datasets from the Real-Time Pilot Initiative project.

Sub-seasonal forecasts are essential for early warning and informed decision-making in the agriculture and food security sectors. This study summarises the co-production process of climate services between the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

Climate Prediction and Applications Centre and the Food Security and Nutrition Working Group for Eastern and Central Africa, highlighting the importance of efficient communication as well as the lessons learned and challenges faced in the co-production process. A case study approach is utilized to evaluate the model's performance.

Two contrasting case studies, one for an extreme rainfall event in week three in April and another for the

The evolution of tropical cyclone Gati was conducted for the year 2020.

Skillful and timely climate information and services co-produced have the potential to increase the uptake, ownership, and appropriate use of sub-seasonal forecasts for resilience building in Eastern Africa.