Climate Security Policy Brief

Nov. 3, 2022

The nexus between climate change, peace, and security is complex. Even though climate change does not directly or inherently cause violent conflict, the interaction with other social, political, economic, environmental, and demographic factors can exacerbate conflict drivers and fragility that negatively impact peace and security.

The IGAD* region is experiencing an increase in the severity, frequency, and duration of climate extremes; therefore, there is an urgent need for a regional response to managing climate risks, including peace and security. IGAD and the United Nations Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Horn of Africa will be convening a high-level inter-ministerial conference on climate, peace, and security on the opening day of COP27 in Egypt.

The objective is to establish a common position on climate, peace, and security for the IGAD region, outlining a shared understanding of the issues and actions to address them. For the first time, a regional climate security coordination mechanism will be adopted.

The high-level meeting was generously funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)'. and tag ICRC