Weekly Forecast
At ICPAC we use the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) to produce our forecasts in a resolution of 10 x 10 Km. Our weekly forecasts are very popular and help stakeholders prepare for extreme weather, and mitigate risks associated with floods, drought or heavy rainfall.
04 - 11 February 2025

Exceptional rainfall
- Rainfall amounts exceeding the top 10% on record expected over a few parts of central to southern regions of Tanzania.

- The expected very heavy rainfall over a few parts of central to southern regions of Tanzania is likely to lead to isolated flood incidences.
- Communities in high-risk areas are advised to exercise caution during this period.

Rainfall anomalies
- More than usual rainfall expected over central to south-eastern parts of Tanzania.
- Less than usual rainfall expected over western regions of Tanzania.

Temperature anomalies
- Warmer than usual temperatures expected over most parts of the GHA.
- Cooler than usual temperatures expected over parts of south-eastern Kenya, and other isolated areas across the GHA.

Mean temperatures
- Moderate to high temperatures (20-32℃) expected over most parts of South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, central to southern Sudan and eastern regions of both Rwanda and Burundi.
- Mild temperature conditions (less than 20℃) expected over northern Sudan, Ethiopian highlands, northern Somalia, and parts of central to western Kenya.

Heat Stress
- Extreme Cautionary Heat Stress levels expected in South Sudan, southern Sudan and eastern regions of Tanzania and Kenya, and southern Somalia.

Total rainfall
- Moderate rainfall (50-200mm) expected over most parts of Burundi and central to southern regions of Tanzania.
- Light rainfall (less than 50 mm) expected over northern regions of Tanzania and most parts of Rwanda.
Weekly Forecasts
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Heat Stress
Heat Stress
- Extreme Cautionary Heat Stress levels expected in South Sudan, southern Sudan and eastern regions of Tanzania and Kenya, and southern Somalia.

Rainfall forecast
- Light rainfall expected over a few isolated areas along the coastal regions of Somalia.

Temperature forecast (Anomalies)
Temperature anomalies
- Warmer than usual temperatures expected over most parts of the GHA.
- Cooler than usual temperatures expected over parts of south-eastern Kenya, and other isolated areas across the GHA.

Rainfall forecast (anomalies)
Rainfall anomalies
- More than usual rainfall expected over central to south-eastern parts of Tanzania.
- Less than usual rainfall expected over western regions of Tanzania.

Heavy rainfall
Exceptional rainfall
- Rainfall amounts exceeding the top 10% on record expected over a few parts of central to southern regions of Tanzania.

Rainfall forecast
Total rainfall
- Moderate rainfall (50-200mm) expected over most parts of Burundi and central to southern regions of Tanzania.
- Light rainfall (less than 50 mm) expected over northern regions of Tanzania and most parts of Rwanda.