Integrating Hydro-Climate Science into Policy Decisions for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure and Livelihoods in East Africa

Integrating Hydro-Climate Science into Policy Decisions

East Africa’s rapidly increasing population is still very dependent on climate sensitive resources such as water and agriculture. However, changes in climate and its impacts in the region are still uncertain and there is also a lack of agreement between climate observation records and climate model simulations (also known as East Africa climate paradox). HyCRISTAL works to address uncertainty of regional climate projections and co-develop climate-change adaptation solutions that meet the the region’s societal needs in both urban and rural areas.

Our Areas of Work

Climate Research

Develop new understanding of climate change and its impacts in East Africa, working with decision-makers to provide a more climate-resilient future, benefiting the poorest. ICPAC is mainly contributing within this area of work through research on drivers of extreme rainfall events over Ethiopia and South Sudan using a convection permitting model run for the African domain.

Climate Information in Policy

Pilot studies on urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and rural livelihoods that demonstrates the value of climate change information to policy. Smaller projects within HyCRISTAL (e.g, HyTPP & CI4Tea) address Lake Victoria water levels for transport infrastructure and tea production, and how climate change will impact these resources and co-develop policy proposals for adaptation.

Capacity Building

Build capacity of East African individuals and institutions (e.g, in terms of data infrastructure, training, exchange programmes, publishing of research findings and networking at international forums), which will provide a lasting legacy.

Key Outputs

  • Reports and scientific journal papers on a wide range of research topics
  • Tools (e.g, WASHmodel, climate infographics and climate risk narratives etc.) to help facilitate dialogue on future impacts of climate change and formulation of policies
  • Capacity building and exchange programs
  • Website for disseminating project findings

Project Materials


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