Strengthening the Resilience of the IGAD region to the adverse Impacts of Climate Change through effective Adaptation and Mitigation Actions

The Climate is changing, change for the better

The overall objective of “Strengthening the Resilience of the IGAD Region to the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change through Effective Adaptation and Mitigation Actions” (RICCAMA) is to increase the resilience of the IGAD region to the adverse impacts of climate change and contribute to the achievement of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, in particular its Goal 13: "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts" in order to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development.

Our Areas of Work

Increasing the capacity of IGAD and member states to tackle Climate Change challenges

Enhance the capacity of IGAD, through the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC), to address regional and national climate change challenges and support IGAD Member States.

Mainstreaming climate change into strategies and policies in line with the Paris Agreement and UNFCCC aspirations

Support IGAD Member States to mainstream climate change adaptation and mitigation into their strategies and policies and align them to the Paris Agreement and other UNFCCC aspirations.

Promoting strategic dialogue in support of Climate Action in the region

Promote engagement and strategic dialogue across relevant stakeholders to manage and share information, knowledge and capacity in support of climate initiatives and actions across the region.

Expected Results

  • Result 1: IGAD's specialized institution, ICPAC, has dedicated operational and institutional capacity to support the needs of Member States in relation to climate change issues and to the implementation of the Paris Agreement (including resource mobilization for NDCs).
  • Result 2: The implementation of regional and national climate change strategies and policies that contribute to the achievement of the Paris Agreement objectives (including NDCs) is supported.
  • Result 3: Strategic dialogue between IGAD and its Member States is strengthened, negotiation capacity built, relevant information and knowledge about climate actions shared.
  • Result 4: The provision of services by regional and national institutions involved in capacity building, research and innovation in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation is strengthened.
RICCAMA Project Documents

RICCAMA Project Documents

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