Join the Food Security and Nutrition Working Group

Who are we?

The Food Security and Nutrition Working Group (FSNWG) is a regional platform, currently co-chaired by ICPAC and FAO. It’s goal is two-fold: to provide an up-to-date food security and nutrition situation analysis (early warning) and to offer a forum to build consensus on critical issues facing policy and interventions. The FNSWG has served regional governments, donors, and non-governmental agencies since the early 2000’s. Current membership includes approximately 80 organisations (IGAD, UN agencies, NGOs, donors, and research institutions) who contribute to the operation of the working group, and its nutrition, markets, food security information, livestock and pastoralist sub-groups.

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Showing 65 results
Preparedness Planning Needed for Potential Drought in the Eastern Horn of Africa during the October - December Rainy Season
97 698

While ENSO neutral conditions currently prevail after the strong 2023/24 El Niño event, most climate prediction centers are forecasting the emergence of a La Niña episode by October - December,1 combined with above-normal sea surface …

IGAD Regional Focus of the 2024 Global Report on Food Crises
267 1064

The IGAD Regional Focus of the 2024 Global Report on Food Crises underscores a deepening food insecurity crisis impacting the IGAD region, encompassing Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda. This report highlights …

East Africa cross-border trade bulletin for January - March 2024
29 1034

The Market Analysis Sub-group of the Food Security and Nutrition Working Group (FSNWG) monitors informal crossborder trade of 88 food commodities and livestock in eastern Africa in order to quantify the impact on regional food …

Food Security Statement: April 2024 update
38 502
  • In April 2024, an estimated 74.9 million people in the region were highly food insecure and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. This included 59.1 million people, as per an IPC analysis of 10 of …
Preventing the looming humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan as the lean season begins
9 286

Humanitarian needs in Sudan have reached new, alarming highs and are likely to escalate steeply during the lean season. As millions already face acute food insecurity and malnutrition, and with millions more expected to see …

Food Security and nutrition snapshot: February 2024
7 228

In February 2024, an estimated 74 million people in the region were highly food insecure and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. This includes 58.2 million people, according to an IPC analysis of 10 of …