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From Regional To Subnational: Co-Production And Co-Creation Of Seasonal Climate Information For Resilience And Sustainability.

By Melissa Ouya


In the pursuit of sustainable solutions, the concept of co-production and co-creation of seasonal climate information has emerged as a promising avenue to enhance resilience and foster sustainability, particularly in regions …

03 Oct 2023 Read More
Does Anticipatory Action provide innovativeness to Drought Risk Management?


By Alexia Kioko

Anticipatory Action (AA) has gained prominence over time as a transformative approach in disaster management, garnering attention from humanitarian, development, research institutions, and regional entities like ICPAC. This innovative strategy diverges from …

20 Sep 2023 Read More
Communique: Mobilizing Youth Voices on Climate Change, Peace and Security to Inform Africa Climate Summit Youth’s Nairobi Declaration

As part of the preparations for the Africa Youth Climate Assembly 2023, the IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre (ICPAC) partnered with the African Union and ACCORD to organize online youth campaigns. These campaigns held …

14 Sep 2023 Read More
Twitter space event: Youth Solutions for Food and Water Security


In the face of rapid population growth and the impact of climate change on agricultural systems and water resources, the future of global food and water security is being reshaped by youth participation. As the …

23 Aug 2023 Read More
Press Release
Press Release
October to December 2023 seasonal forecast: El Niño climate phenomenon will likely bring heavy rains across the Greater Horn of Africa

Photos (21)

IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) announced that the October to December 2023 climate forecast shows high chances of wetter-than-usual conditions across most parts of the Greater Horn of Africa. Notably, there is an …

22 Aug 2023 Read More
Communiqué of the IGAD Regional Ministerial Meeting on Risk Transfer and Transboundary Pest Management


The Ministers, Heads of Delegations and representatives of Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) member states, comprised of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda, convened in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, on 9th August …

09 Aug 2023 Read More