
Towards actionable impact-based early warning in Africa: integrating exposure and vulnerability into early warning systems – a pilot study in the IGAD region

Towards actionable impact-based early warning in Africa

The project aims to transition from hazard-based early warning to impact-based early warning in the IGAD region. It involves integrating exposure and vulnerability information into existing Early Warning Systems (EWS) and Decision Support Systems (DSS). The project pilot study locations include Ethiopia and Kenya, with plans for scaling up across other member states of the IGAD region. The focus is on designing and developing a robust approach and methodology for impact-based EWS to enhance disaster preparedness and response.

Our Areas of Work

Evaluation of existing Early Warning Systems in IGAD

The review and evaluation of the existing early warning systems in the IGAD region and needs and gaps highlighted

Integration of exposure and vulnerability into East Africa Hazard watch

Co-develop approach and methodology for integrating relevant actionable exposure such as people, infrastructure, ecosystems, and agriculture in addition to related social, economic, ecological, and physical vulnerability information into existing Early Warning System in the region.

Impact-based forecasting

Update the existing East Africa Hazard and Drought Watch by incorporating Impact Based Forecasting.

Capacity Building

Strengthen the capacities of relevant stakeholders to design, implement, and scale up impact-based Early Warning Systems through capacity strengthening and training.

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