Platform for Management of Transboundary Pests

Inter-regional Platform for the Sustainable Management of Desert Locusts and other Transboundary Pests

Strengthen synergies and sustain the management and control of Desert Locusts and other Transboundary Pests in the IGAD region

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is implementing an Inter-Regional Platform for the Sustainable Management of Desert Locusts and other Trans-Boundary Pests project with a three year fund from the World Bank. The grant is part of the World Bank's Emergency Locust Response Program Phase 3 (SSELRP) and is expected to run until August 2024. The overall goal of the Platform is to strengthen synergies, sustained management and control of desert locusts and other transboundary pests in the IGAD region.

The platform will be extended not only to IGAD member states, but to all countries affected by the desert locusts and other trans-boundary pests. Operationalization of the platform will be conducted in partnership with the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA) and the Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region (CRC).

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